A creative person makes a sound recording

You’re not just a “content creator.”
What you make is more meaningful.

A creative person makes a sound recording

You’re not just a “content creator.”
What you make is more meaningful.

Writers, filmmakers, illustrators et al.—we’re all working in an age of mass commodification. And we all wish we could focus more on our craft than the self-promotion we know is necessary to stand out from the crowd.

We handle the tasks that drain your creativity

That’s where PSE can help. We handle the tasks that drain your creativity and chew up your hours, so you can spend your energy on making the art that captivated your fans in the first place.

We’ve helped authors launch best-selling books and directors release award-winning films. We’ve also helped artists who “can’t be categorized” find a way to tell their stories that’s true to who they are (and also gets them paid).

Whatever kind of art you make, we’ll free up your time and energy to make more of it.

Developing marketing assets (e.g. websites)

Handling media relations and press interactions

Producing and promoting professional events

Getting invitations to speaking engagements

Running social media accounts

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